Student Service Learning (SSL)
All SSL forms for service completed during the summer or 1st semester are due to Ms. Mesina in room 101 TODAY!!
7th Grade Free Field Trip to Junior Achievement Finance Park
This year, 7th grade World Studies students at Gaithersburg will participate in an exciting program sponsored by MCPS known as Junior Achievement Finance Park.
This program will provide our students with the opportunity to actively participate in lessons over the next few weeks that will get them thinking about different ways to look at money so that they ultimately have a much more thorough understanding of concepts like careers, income, taxes, savings, managing risk, debit vs. credit, budgeting, and much more!
The culminating activity of the JA Finance program is for students to participate in a simulation at the JA Finance Park facility at Thomas Edison High School. During this experience, students must apply the financial knowledge they’ve acquired in their World Studies classes to successfully navigate the life situation they are provided.
Students will attend on either January 14th or January 15th depending on their World Studies teacher. The field trip permission slip can be found in the GMS Webpage.
7th graders, Please be sure to turn in your Junior Achievement field trip permission slip to your World Studies Teacher.
Here is the link to the Good Morning Gaithersburg News Show for Friday 1/4. It is about 4 min. The News Show features a segment on the play and Team of Stars with Ms. Share.
MAP Testing
Next week students will be taking MAP-M and MAP-R test.
Students be sure to check your testing location. The groups are posted in the café.
You Have the Power Club (YHTP) sponsored by Project Change
Help reduce intolerance, disrespect and bullying
THE YHTP Club meets after school Room 311 Wednesdays January 9, 16, 23, 30 February 6, 13, 20, 27, March 6, 13. Club is free but registration is required (Registration form can be found in the GMS Website)
GMS Yearbook
Give the gift they will open again and again. Buy a GMS yearbook for your child!
Weekly Calendar
Monday, December 31, 2018-Tuesday, January 1, 2019
Winter Break
No School
Wednesday, January 2, 2019
Return to School
10:40-11:10 am Viking Time 7
4:20 pm Activity Bus
Thursday, January 3, 2019
10:40-11:10 am Viking Time 1
4:20 pm Activity Bus
Friday, January 4, 2019
Student Service Learning Hours due to Ms. Mesina in room 101
10:40-11:10 am Viking Time 2
Upcoming Events
January 7 & 8, 2019
MAP-Reading Testing
January 10 & 11, 2019
MAP-Math Testing
January 8, 2019
MAP-R Testing
3:30 pm Boys’ Basketball AWAY GMS @ Redland MS
3:30 pm Girls’ Basketball HOME Redland MS @ GMS
4:20 pm Activity Bus
January 9, 2019
1:00 pm Invent the Future Challenge Meeting
3:30 pm Math Team Competition-Rosa Parks MS
4:20 pm Activity Bus
7:00 pm String Cluster Concert Gaithersburg High School
January 10, 2019
MAP-M Testing
4:20 pm Activity Bus
7:00 pm Band Cluster Concert Gaithersburg High School
January 11, 2019
MAP-M Testing